Any Monday morning
7:45 am
- Hi.
- Hi! Sorry I haven't seen you!
- It doesn't matter, how are you?
- Fine, waiting for the train.
- An odyssey, as always.
- Yes, of course. How are you?
- I am a little cold, weather has changed so suddenly.
- Yes it has. How has it been your weekend?
- Well, not so bad. Problems with a washroom pipe and my cellphone.
- What has it happened with your washroom?
- I don't know, I always get things damaged. I had to spend all Saturday morning in home with the plumber.
- Very boring.
- And expensive, you will not want to know how much it cost.
- I don't even want to know. And what about your cellphone?
- A mistake on my bill. They charged phone calls I never did.
- Don't be so pessimistic, yesterday I was the whole evening on the telephone trying to solve, with my internet provider, an incidence. What a Sunday!
- They, as cellphones companies, should be more carefull with clients. I don't like very much their service. Oh listen, this is a song I downloaded yesterday, I like it a lot, I can't stop listening to it!
- Let's see... Ups, look out!
- Oh No! My mp3 player! It has fallen itself!
- How has it fallen?! Take care.
- I don't know...well it seems to work properly...No, it seems it doesn't work.
- Keep it, we'll have a look at it later.
- Ok ok. What about this weekend sports wagers?
- Bad, Saturday's night it was already in the bin. And yours?
- The same way as yours.
- It is getting crowd, every morning the same situation.
- I prefer not to think about it.
- Oh look! It seems today's train is puntual.
- I don't think so. I think it is Friday's eight o'clock train.
- And tomorrow will be Saturday?
- Hi.
- Hi! Sorry I haven't seen you!
- It doesn't matter, how are you?
- Fine, waiting for the train.

- An odyssey, as always.
- Yes, of course. How are you?
- I am a little cold, weather has changed so suddenly.
- Yes it has. How has it been your weekend?
- Well, not so bad. Problems with a washroom pipe and my cellphone.
- What has it happened with your washroom?
- I don't know, I always get things damaged. I had to spend all Saturday morning in home with the plumber.
- Very boring.
- And expensive, you will not want to know how much it cost.
- I don't even want to know. And what about your cellphone?
- A mistake on my bill. They charged phone calls I never did.
- Don't be so pessimistic, yesterday I was the whole evening on the telephone trying to solve, with my internet provider, an incidence. What a Sunday!

- They, as cellphones companies, should be more carefull with clients. I don't like very much their service. Oh listen, this is a song I downloaded yesterday, I like it a lot, I can't stop listening to it!
- Let's see... Ups, look out!
- Oh No! My mp3 player! It has fallen itself!
- How has it fallen?! Take care.
- I don't know...well it seems to work properly...No, it seems it doesn't work.
- Keep it, we'll have a look at it later.
- Ok ok. What about this weekend sports wagers?
- Bad, Saturday's night it was already in the bin. And yours?
- The same way as yours.
- It is getting crowd, every morning the same situation.
- I prefer not to think about it.
- Oh look! It seems today's train is puntual.
- I don't think so. I think it is Friday's eight o'clock train.
- And tomorrow will be Saturday?