The Dock Of The Bay

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Any Monday morning

7:45 am

- Hi.
- Hi! Sorry I haven't seen you!
- It doesn't matter, how are you?
- Fine, waiting for the train.
- An odyssey, as always.
- Yes, of course. How are you?
- I am a little cold, weather has changed so suddenly.
- Yes it has. How has it been your weekend?
- Well, not so bad. Problems with a washroom pipe and my cellphone.
- What has it happened with your washroom?
- I don't know, I always get things damaged. I had to spend all Saturday morning in home with the plumber.
- Very boring.
- And expensive, you will not want to know how much it cost.
- I don't even want to know. And what about your cellphone?
- A mistake on my bill. They charged phone calls I never did.
- Don't be so pessimistic, yesterday I was the whole evening on the telephone trying to solve, with my internet provider, an incidence. What a Sunday!
- They, as cellphones companies, should be more carefull with clients. I don't like very much their service. Oh listen, this is a song I downloaded yesterday, I like it a lot, I can't stop listening to it!
- Let's see... Ups, look out!
- Oh No! My mp3 player! It has fallen itself!
- How has it fallen?! Take care.
- I don't know...well it seems to work properly...No, it seems it doesn't work.
- Keep it, we'll have a look at it later.
- Ok ok. What about this weekend sports wagers?
- Bad, Saturday's night it was already in the bin. And yours?
- The same way as yours.
- It is getting crowd, every morning the same situation.
- I prefer not to think about it.
- Oh look! It seems today's train is puntual.
- I don't think so. I think it is Friday's eight o'clock train.
- And tomorrow will be Saturday?


  • Hi !
    Good pessimistic conversation! I suppose they are on Monday morning , the beginning of the week, and all the world see the things with bad eyes because if we always have this horrible weekend nobody would like the weekends and we are waiting during all the week our free time of Saturday and Sunday. Isn’t it? It’s my opinion.

    By Blogger Pumuky's & CO., at 12:58 AM  

  • Hi blog writer,

    I love the idea of your post. It's very original. I think that could be conversation of millions of people on an early Monday morning.

    I agree with pumuki that could be a litlle pessimistic but if you see with distance could be a funny story.


    By Blogger kayser_soze_, at 8:28 AM  

  • It's not pessimistic. It's realistic. Life is repetetive and, before we can realise, we are turned into a mere instrument. Life is shorter than we think, but it is becouse we're enslaved to money and work. We're all puppets but we can't realise.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:49 PM  

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